Aboard Management Software

Board software helps boards make meetings, get votes, plan committees and share files. It also saves the time and money which goes into stamping, assembling and shipping table packets before every assembly.

Its ease-of-use and quickly speed set a great means to fix non-technical users. It integrates well with SQL to realise a unified look at of a task.

Easily make and personalize dashboards, information, analyses and more with on the move calculated metrics.

BOARD’s DRONE platform combines planning operations with cost management, forecasting and reporting – effectively aiming performance against corporate goals and strategies. It also enables operations of the multi-dimensional planning method through work flow, security, audit trail and versioning mechanisms that enhance control and performance of the whole system.

The software’s visual modeling environment allows creating sophisticated Technique Maps and Scorecards that blend graphic functionality having the ability to link data to performance and desired goals. Its advanced functions of What-if examination and Target Seeking let multi-dimensional simulations that quickly spread the impact of long term future events to each level of cumulation, from the largest outline (sales by division) down to the smallest detail (Item Code).

Board’s robust analytics capabilities incorporate out-of-the-box record functions with regards to on-the-fly measurements and normal formulas for easy use in records, analyses and dashboards. It also provides a versatile tool set to support an array of business units.

Its multiple deployment board-raum.de/sitzungsmanagement/ options offer flexibility to thousands of customers across a various array of industries and specializations. It utilizes server clustering to provide workloads into a nearly unrestricted number of online nodes through in-memory digesting, ensuring full scalability with read and write support.